Community Investment Advances

A low cost source of funds for loans in your community.

Request Funds

For members of FHLB Des Moines, meeting the credit needs of their local community is being a good neighbor and is also good business. Housing and economic development projects are vital to the health of a community.

Members can use a Community Investment Advance (CIA) to support these projects. Members are provided long term fixed rate advances at lower rates for eligible residential and commercial loans and investments. The standard requirements of FHLB Des Moines credit and collateral policies apply to these special advances.

FHLB Des Moines members are provided a Community Investment Advance limit of $20 million which may be used for the Commercial Lending Advance or Residential Lending Advance, as described in the Bank's Targeted Community Lending Plan. This limit is renewed as outstanding Community Investment Advances mature. Contact the Community Investment Department at 800-544-3452, ext. 2400 for assistance.


Community Investment Advances in Federal Disaster Areas

FHLB Des Moines low-cost Community Investment Advances (CIA) can provide support to communities that have suffered devastating natural disasters. The Bank will provide advances that support commercial or mixed-use (combination of commercial and residential projects) loans for recovery from a federally declared natural disaster. Qualifying loans must be originated within 18 months of the federal disaster declaration, and must be for repairs or losses related to the disaster. A member must provide a concise project description in the advance request demonstrating how the loans were used for disaster recovery. On a case-by-case basis, the Bank may waive the $20 million Community Investment Advance member limit for qualifying advances. For more information, contact the Community Investment Department at 800-544-3452, ext. 2400.

Federally Declared Disaster Area

To determine if an area has a qualifying Federal Disaster Area designation, visit the FEMA website and search Declaration Type for "Major Disaster Declaration." For each disaster, the area of the disaster and the date of the disaster declaration will be provided.

Investment Advances Investment Advances